Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre - Indigenous Healing Plants Book

Indigenous Healing Plants *NEW*

This volume concentrates on the traditional ways in which indigenous plants have been used medicinally and otherwise in South Africa for centuries.

Many of these remedies survive to this day and are used by people of all races countrywide.

Margaret Roberts, in her inimitable style, shares the story of each plant’s history and its various uses – medicinal, in cooking, as natural insect repellents and deodorisers – along with tried-and-tested recipes, as well as brief notes on how to grow it in the garden.

Order now: R375.00

100 New Herbs - Margaret Roberts

100 New Herbs

In 100 New Herbs she introduces readers to an exciting range of new plants that can be used in the kitchen, and medicinally. It includes recipes that harness the medicinal, cosmetic and edible nature of these plants.

An indispensable guide for anyone interested in health, wellness, organic gardening and the use of herbs to enhance cooking.

In 100 New Herbs she introduces readers to an exciting range of new plants that can be used in the kitchen, and medicinally. Margaret offers practical advice on how and when to plant, grow and harvest the featured herbs.

Order now: R275.00

Margaret Roberts - 60 Teas to revitalize & restore


The recipes are simple to follow with clear indication as to which part of the herb to use, and which method of infusion.

The teas featured in this book, while chosen for their health properties, are also extremely enjoyable, soothing and provide exciting substitutes to traditional beverages.

As the world takes more and more to the idea of using alternative remedies – particularly the use of herbs – there is no better time to introduce the broad variety of herbal teas that provide medicinal and healthy alternatives.

Order now: R200.00

Margaret Roberts Book - My 100 Favourite Herbs

My 100 Favourite Herbs

A special section includes recipes for unusual culinary delights, pot pourri and cosmetics making, and recipes for herbal remedies and tonics

In this book Margaret explains how to design a herb garden that will inspire, revitalise and uplift.

There is great appeal in the growing of herbs – be it for culinary purposes, for the medicine chest or simply for their fragrance and beauty in the garden.

The has selected her 100 favourite herbs, both well-known and unusual, and describes in detail how to grow and use them.

Order now: R275.00

Margaret Roberts - 100 Edible & Healing Flowers

100 Edible & Healing Flowers

Each plant is dealt with in detail with growing advice as well as how to use it medicinally and deliciously.

Gardening and cooking are two of the world's favourite pastimes, and what greater joy can there be that creating a garden of beauty and bountiful health?

This book brings together an extraordinary collection of more than 80 flowers, trees and herbs that not only give a magnificent show in the garden, but also have remarkable healing properties and can be used in cooking and as cosmetic alternatives.

Order now: R275.00



Hierdie boek beskryf meer as 100 kruie, voedsel- en medisinale plante en hulle plantpasmaats, met raad oor hoe, wanneer en waar om hulle te plant, te oes en te gebruik.

Die kuns om spesifieke plante naby mekaar te plant sodat hulle mekaar op een of ander manier bevoordeel,word al honderde jare beoefen.

Plantmaats is plante wat mekaar help deurdat hulle ‘n reuk of chemikalieë afskei wat peste en plae afweer, of deurdat hulle voordelige insekte aanlok wat die omliggende plante bestuif of jag maak op skadelike insekte. Sommige plante stel weer voedingstowwe in die grond vry wat deur ander plante gebruik kan word.

Order now: R230.00

Margaret Roberts - The Lavender Book

The Lavender Book

This is the ultimate book on lavender for the gardener , the commercial grower, the craftsman , the cook , the beauty therapist and everyone else in between. Using her own trails at the Herbal Center, she offers practical instruction on propagating , planting, nurturing and harvesting lavender.

The use of lavender medicinally, in aromatherapy and as an insect repellant will appeal to the growing body of concerned people who aspire to a more natural organic way of life.

The Lavender Book is a succinct yet comprehensive guide to the lavender types and varieties suitable to local conditions and is intended to get you outdoors and growing your own lavender without further ado.

Order now: R230.00

Margaret Roberts Book - Anti-Ageing Tissue Salts

Anti-ageing Tissue Salts

Tissue salts are minerals that our bodies need to ensure optimal health. They are found in the Earth?s rocks and soil, and in food that is grown organically in mineralrich soil.

Considered to be the basic constituents of our bones, blood, organs and muscles, they are easily absorbed by the human body, with no side-effects.

In this book, Margaret Roberts draws on decades of experience to advise readers on using the 12 key tissue salts to slow the ageing process, promote vitality and enhance health. Each tissue salt is presented in its own chapter, with tips on treating specific ailments; and advice on increasing the intake of the salts through the diet.

Order now: R180.00

Margaret Roberts Book - Tissue Salts for Children

Tissue Salts for Children

The 12 key tissue salts are minerals that should be present in our bodies in perfect balance to ensure optimal health. These remarkable salts are found in the Earth s rocks and soil, and in food grown organically in mineral-rich soil.

An indispensable guide for anyone interested in health, wellness, and using natural remedies to enhance wellbeing.

In this follow-up to Tissues Salts for Health Living, Margaret Roberts focuses on using tissue salts to enhance the development and wellbeing of children, from infancy to the teenage years.

Order now: R180.00

Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre - Weefselsoute vir Kinders

Weefselsoute vir Kinders

The 12 key tissue salts are minerals that should be present in our bodies in perfect balance to ensure optimal health. These remarkable salts are found in the Earth s rocks and soil, and in food grown organically in mineral-rich soil.

An indispensable guide for anyone interested in health, wellness, and using natural remedies to enhance wellbeing.

In this follow-up to Tissues Salts for Health Living, Margaret Roberts focuses on using tissue salts to enhance the development and wellbeing of children, from infancy to the teenage years.

Order now: R180.00

Margaret Roberts - Tissue Salts for Healthy Living

Tissue Salts for Healthy Living

A book that will change your way of thinking about health and the way that you cope with the stresses of everyday life.

This will probably be one of the most unusual books you will ever read

Tissue salts are a group of 12 minerals that should be present in our bodies, in a perfect balance, as a prerequisite for perfect health and well-being.

In this book Margaret shares her vast personal experience of how supplementing the diet with tissue salts promotes good health and treats specific ailments.

Order now: R180.00

Margaret Roberts - Weefselsoute vir Heilsaamheid

Weefselsoute vir Heilsaamheid

Hierdie boek is waarskynlik een van die mees ongewone wat jy ooit sal lees - een wat jou denke oor gesondheid.

Weefselsoute - ook bekend as sel- of biochemiese soute - is 'n groep van 12 minerale wat perfek gebalanseerd in ons liggame teenwoordig behoort te wees sodat ons heeltemal gesond kan wees.

Die soute word in die natuur in die aarde se gesteentes en grond aangetref en kom natuurlik voor in gewasse wat organies in mineraalryke grond gekweek is.

Order now: R180.00

Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre - Forest Fairies and the Great Battle

Forest Fairies and the Great Battle

Much-loved champion of all things natural, Margaret Roberts wrote this first tale in a series of stories about taking care of the world in which we live.

The ensuring adventure and the fairies’ mischief, creativity, caring and humour will delight children of all ages.

When their idyllic environment is threatened by humans who come to build a road straight through their forest, the Forest Fairies hatch a plan to save the trees and plants and all the tiny creatures that live there.

Order now: R180.00

Margaret Roberts Book - A-Z of Herbs

A-Z of Herbs

This basic guide and quick reference includes both common herbs like parsley and thyme, as well as Margaret Roberts' favourite plants such as bulbinella and roses.

The herbs are illustrated with colour photographs to help with accurate identification.

A systematic introduction to the world of herbs, it provides information about the basic culinary, medicinal and cosmetic uses of the most common herbs.

Order now: R275.00

Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre - Alles oor kruie

Alles oor kruie

Hierdie verwysingsgids sluit die algemene kruie soos pietersielie en tiemie in en bevat ook inligting oor Margaret Roberts se gunstelingplante soos katstert en rose.

The herbs are illustrated with colour photographs to help with accurate identification.

Hierdie verwysingsgids sluit die algemene kruie soos pietersielie en tiemie in en bevat ook inligting oor Margaret Roberts se gunstelingplante soos katstert en rose.

Order now: R275.00

Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre - Kruie vir Swangerskap en Kindersorg

Kruie vir Swangerskap en Kindersorg

Deur net natuurlike produkte en kruiemiddels te gebruik, gee sy raad vir die verligting van oggendsiekte, rugpyn, geswelde voete, sooibrand en algemene lusteloosheid.

Kruie vir Swangerskap en Kindersorg

In Kruie vir Swangerskap en Kindersorg bied Margaret Roberts, ma van drie kinders, ‘n oorlewingskursus aan verwagtende moeders – langs die natuurlike weg.

Order now: R150.00

Margaret Roberts Book - Herb Journal

Herb Journal

This beautifully designed journal taps into Margaret Roberts' well known talents, both for wholesome, natural health products and for her delicate drawings of the plants and flowers that are the tools of her trade.

Herb Journal

The lined pages invite journal-keeping, note-taking, etc, and are lightly decorated with small drawings, quick recipes and interesting tips about flowers and their properties.

Order now: R150.00

Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre - Margaret Roberts - Kruie Joernaal


Die gelinieerde bladsye lok jou uit om 'n joernaal te hou, notas te maak, en nog meer, en is liggies versier met klein tekeninkies, vinnige resepte en interessante wenke oor blomme en hul eienskappe.


Hierdie pragtig ontwerpte joernaal maak nut van Margaret Roberts se welbekende talente vir die maak van beide heilsame natuurlike produkte en delikate illustrasies van die plante en blomme waaraan haar beroep grootliks gekenmerk word.

Order now: R150.00

Margaret Roberts Herbal Centre - Pot-pourri Book


Die Klein boekie is vol resepte en raad oor hoe om pot-pourri uit jou kruietuin te maak vir heilsaamheid en die rede daarvoor.


Die Klein boekie is vol resepte en raad oor hoe om pot-pourri uit jou kruietuin te maak vir heilsaamheid en die rede daarvoor.

Order now: R150.00


Indigenous Healing Plants
100 New Herbs
My 100 Favourite Herbs
100 Edible and Healing Flowers
Healing Foods
Companion Planting
The Lavender Book
Anti-ageing Tissue Salts
Tissue Salts for Children
Weefelsoute vir Kinders
Weefselsoute vir Heilsaamheid
Tissue Salts for Healthy Living
The Forest Fairies and the Great Battle
Herb Journal
Kruie Joernaal

R150.00 *Environmental Children’s Book* (Buy directly from the Herbal Centre, publishers closed down.)

* All of Margaret Roberts’s books are sold at Bookshops, Exclusive Books and Dischem*